Gone But Not Forgotten

Hello, you've landed on DATA eh? - Open Data Toronto's original blog space for data discussions. This is not an active blog at the moment but legacy posts are still here. Have a read ... you can still provide comments.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Data on page views

By Keith McDonald 
We've been going on and on about data being able to tell stories. To us, open data is the ultimate, modern bedtime story. That being said, I went to bed last night reading about recent page views for DATA eh? by country.

map of world

Page Views:
Canada = 4,624
United States = 2,202
Russia = 1, 254
Netherlands = 615
Germany = 554
United Kingdom = 496
France = 287
Ukraine = 198
Iran = 196
Latvia = 194

I was surprised by having any views at all from Iran and, also, by getting so much traction in Russia. I'm assuming interest in open data by these "viewers" and I wonder if we are at all assisting in whatever quest they (you) are on.

This one-ended impression (stats) is actually a problem for me. I feel we are only getting half the story. Clearly, we have readers but very few are taking a moment to bring their story to the conversation. So, no matter where you are from, as you read this, give us some insight into your open data story: 

Why did you come here? What can the City of Toronto's Open Data initiative bring to your table?

 DATA eh? #14


oxford.tuxedo said...

We use your Toronto wards in http://represent.opennorth.ca/.

Also, __how is this list not longer__? Toronto has the most interesting data of any city portal in Canada, and probably the most active outreach team. I mean, really, look at the Montreal list of open data use (and we didn't even have an apps contest like Ottawa): http://donnees.ville.montreal.qc.ca/application/pionniers Granted, not all those listed use data from the portal, though they do use public data that should/will be on the portal.

Open Data - Toronto said...

@oxford.tuxedo I think you may have wanted this comment to be on the "apps list" page perhaps? Right now, the list may be more quality over quantity. As more uses of our data come to our attention, we hope the list will grow and grow and grow! For readers on this comment trail, the list we reference is at: Stuff We Know Of Page ... Coming From Our Open Data


Open Data - Toronto said...

Here is a link to the wards referenced: The open database of Canadian elected representatives and electoral districts