By Keith McDonald
We're working up more "Open Data Champion" videos. Here's one we taped just after the interview with 49Pixels Live:
We use this kind of advocacy when talking to City staff about Open Data. Messages of this kind really help us demonstrate a "cause and effect" from our actions in releasing data to citizens taking advantage of the data.
You too can be an Open Data Champion for us. A great first step would be commenting right here on the DATA eh? blog space.
Tell us why you are an Open Data advocate ...
DATA eh? #11
We're working up more "Open Data Champion" videos. Here's one we taped just after the interview with 49Pixels Live:
Justin -So my name is Justin Kozuch and I'm the co-host of 49Pixels Live and we've just wrapped up a show on Open Data. Ah, And I believe that to open data is important to cities because it helps residents understand what's happening within their city and gain a lens into what services governments provide and how they can make things better.Lindsay -And I'm Lindsay Munro, Justin's co-host of 49Pixels Live and I think Open Data is important because it opens up the cities to its citizens to allow them to improve city services and their access to them.
We use this kind of advocacy when talking to City staff about Open Data. Messages of this kind really help us demonstrate a "cause and effect" from our actions in releasing data to citizens taking advantage of the data.
You too can be an Open Data Champion for us. A great first step would be commenting right here on the DATA eh? blog space.
Tell us why you are an Open Data advocate ...
DATA eh? #11
My only complaint is that I would've loved to see more! Starting with Justin & Lindsay while visting the studio for 49pixels Live was a great idea.
Indeed Brian, we have more ready (we've been using the material inside for staff orientations). We'll be putting these up from time to time including to our YouTube channel. We'd like one from you as well!
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