NOTE: This is content from the web re:Brand posts going back to November 2010. We have kept the re:Brand posts as a legacy archive but, on a go forward basis as of October, 2011, the new DATA eh? content takes over this space.
This is segmented part 2 of the Lucky 7 ... the major areas we intend to address for improving
Our testing indicates that 71% of respondents chose “Search” as the most important types of services to offer on an improved City of Toronto website.
Some user comments:
Tell us what you think ...
This is segmented part 2 of the Lucky 7 ... the major areas we intend to address for improving
Our testing indicates that 71% of respondents chose “Search” as the most important types of services to offer on an improved City of Toronto website.
Some user comments:
“Unless search words are nearly 100% accurate, few relevant "hits" come up.
"Allow users to find a person, service, facility, or city resources through a single search window; Currently search pulls a lot of old irrelevant content.”
"Search function should return useable hits [not the zero or thousands and nothing in between]."
"I would like to search for information on, for example, swimming pool hours without having to open and search through a pdf document. I live on the border between North and South districts so I sometimes have to search multiple pdfs because I am looking at locations in the two areas."
"You can't search for a report on a Council agenda unless you already know which Committee/year it went through.”
“I should be able to use the search function on the City's web pages to find anything from by-law regulations to demographic to swimming classes.”All this is tied up in search not finding information. A special reference to mapping being considered as search is significant. We need to display more specific information on a map, the application is slow and has a small viewing area.
Tell us what you think ...

1 comment:
Fuzzy search becomes an important feature for Enterprise search engine, but can not see it works fine in City of Toronto's website. Most likely, City of Toronto is still engaged to key word match technology rather than keyword and content, bring the end user information which they really want.
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