NOTE: This is content from the web re:Brand posts going back to November 2010. We have kept the re:Brand posts as a legacy archive but, on a go forward basis as of October, 2011, the new DATA eh? content takes over this space.
Message to Business Owners:
For those of you coming from the TO Business newsletter - a special hello! As part of the web re:Brand project, we're focusing on the Doing Business portal of the website
We're realy amped up about making this process a user centric one. We're living by the credo that the user rules. This is a change in our thinking and we need your opinions and thoughts to make the website come alive for you.
We want to hear first-hand about your experience using as a Business Owner. We can’t do as good of a job without you ... so please take a moment to engage here with us via comments on the blog. We want your feedback - good or bad - we want it all!
Perhaps ...
You can always fill out our poll on Preferred Way to Link with the City (at the top of all the blog pages) or just fill out the anonymous survey.
Have a look at what one business owner has to say:
This Part 1 of two parts
Make a comment and let's have a chat :0)

# 23/2009
Message to Business Owners:
For those of you coming from the TO Business newsletter - a special hello! As part of the web re:Brand project, we're focusing on the Doing Business portal of the website
We're realy amped up about making this process a user centric one. We're living by the credo that the user rules. This is a change in our thinking and we need your opinions and thoughts to make the website come alive for you.
We want to hear first-hand about your experience using as a Business Owner. We can’t do as good of a job without you ... so please take a moment to engage here with us via comments on the blog. We want your feedback - good or bad - we want it all!
Perhaps ...
- Tell us what you experienced opening a Business - did you visit the City’s website during that time?
- How is your experience managing your business now?
- What happened when you applied for additional permits and licences, tried getting info on rules and regulations?
- Tell us your story ... post a video response to our Doing Business series on YouTube
- Tell us how frequently you visit and why?
- What information or services do you look for the most?
- Do you usually find what you are looking for?
- What could we improve on to make your life, as a Business Owner, easier?
- What is your ideal website (provide links for us to view)
- Would you be willing to register an account on City’s website?
- What if the account provided you with an easy and convenient way of updating your Business Information?
- What if the account provided the ability to pay bills and fees, without re-entering same information multiple times?
- What if you could find historical data (payment info/statements etc) and print these off as needed?
- How do you feel about setting up email reminders?
You can always fill out our poll on Preferred Way to Link with the City (at the top of all the blog pages) or just fill out the anonymous survey.
Have a look at what one business owner has to say:
This Part 1 of two parts
Make a comment and let's have a chat :0)
BTW, we still need input on Search |

# 23/2009
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The Center for Media Research has released a study by Vertical Response that shows just where many of these ‘Main Street’ players are going with their online dollars. The big winners: e-mail and social media. With only 3.8% of small business folks NOT planning on using e-mail marketing and with social media carrying the perception of being free (which they so rudely discover it is far from free) this should make some in the banner and search crowd a little wary.
@joancasilo - your link did not allow a view ...
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