By the DATA eh? team
DATA eh?: Hi Trish, you are
listed on the blog as an author but, today, we want to speak to you in your
role as an Open Data champion and strategist for the City of Toronto. Rather
than interview yourself, we thought we'd pose some questions for you.
DATA eh?: Tell us why DATA eh?
is important to you?
TG: Our Open Data
initiative has been around going on two years. We've been hearing from
communities beyond the developers and users of Open Data, that we need to
provide bridges between the technical and the casual. Kind of like allowing
more room for discussion by the users vs. the creators of applications – hence
a spot to have conversations and provide links to interesting outcomes around
City of Toronto data.
DATA eh?: Aren't they two very
different audiences?
TG: Yes, very much so
and I'd even add a third: people who understand what Open Data is all about but
aren't interested in using it directly but agree it's good.